I think you may be missing a word "Optional"
Now I do not know the Astoria but I do know there are SOME RV's that come with 2 or 3 thousand watts of Tripp LIte or somethign like it. and yes it runs all outlets save the Fridge and may even run it (depending on assorted things Does if it's a residential fridge) The inverter is in the compartment NEXT to the batteries (house batts that is) and check for a tripped breaker Short story about that.
Some have only selected outlets My Intruder after market 2KW (2000 watt) has only selected outlets plus I did a mod so it some are "optional" (normally line powered)
Some have like 250-500 watt range and only the TV's and perhaps ONE outlet (Front, Right, Floor) on the TV breaker)
Yours I don't know
Friend came to me his new next door had a complaint half the outlets were dead including the TV, as we walked back I ask about an inverter (he did not know) 2nd try we found it (next to batteries) reset the clearly tripped breaker and he went inside. Wife says "Does he think he can help" Husband says "He's already fixed it". and so I had.