Forum Discussion

Tanya6520's avatar
Feb 20, 2014

Dead Sprinter Diesel

Getting ready to leave campsite. Turned the key and it was dead. Waited a minute and tried again. It started and we drove 30 miles home. It sat for a couple of hours and then we drove it to the back of lot. Next day, tried to start it and once again it was dead. Engine battery is fine. What should we check next ?
  • There is some information in your Sprinter manual, although it's rather vague. Look under Safety, then under Anti-Theft Systems. Click here for a good information source for your Sprinter. There is a Roadtrek section also. What year Roadtrek do you have?
  • Thank do I know if I have anti theft controls as was mentioned in an earlier post.
  • Have that problem every now and then. Mostly an annoyance. If you take it to someone have them check the starter connections. Or, worse case clean the starter brushes. I've heard that does the trick. Me, I just live with it, it is so infrequent.
  • I have a 2004 Sprinter with 5 cylinder, had similar issue that kept occurring over a course of a few weeks, had a friend who is a good mechanic trouble shoot it with the help of info off of sprinter source forum and with help of Dr. A, who is a fantastic sprinter mechanice out of Pittsburg or someplace in Pa. working over the internet and phone. Turned out to be a bad fuse block which is under the steering column. Got one off internet for about $100.00 out of Atlanta and swapped out and it worked fine after that. Problem with fuse holder that powered the start relay. It is evidently a common problem.
    Dave Spain
    Cocoa Beach, Fla.
  • If your vehicle has anti theft controls, it is possible that you may have a bad connection that is keeping your vehicle from starting. Just a thought. Try cleaning the battery cables also.

  • Go to Auto Zone or one of the other larger parts stores, they will test battery, alternator, starter, etc for free. Will even give you printed instructions on how to replace the part after you buy it.
  • Check solenoid next, then look for damaged wires, loose connections, blown fusible link (fuse in wire).

    When you turn the key do you get even a click? Do you get starter noise (engine turning over)but not starting?