Recently I look at a couple of 1995 pushers and the average asking price was usually a couple of thousand over the average sale price. The rigs I looked at were selling for about $25,000 for a rig in excellent shape. NADA lists that rig at about $11,000. So I think recent sales, NADA values and how much you are willing to pay. PPL seems to have the best sales lot prices and owners who cannot forget how much they paid new are the worst prices.
I looked at a rig last week, owner wants about 10K over average NADA and the is about 3 or 4K in body damage and for a new ladder, the tires are really old, about 8 years and all three batteries were flat dead. The rig had been sitting with out being moved(and I think started) for at least 2 years.
The rear cap is pulled loose by the ladder and the ladder is damage, other than that it looks really good, the interior is beautiful and it is low mileage. But I couldn't even make a realistic offer due to what it would cost to bring it to average to good condition would cut the price down to low NADA retail.