It is pretty easy to get the repair to look good and last for a few years, but the problem may stem from a deeper problem. If the clear coat is put over gel coat, or fiberglass, It will not stay for very long due to exposure to the environment, mainly the sun. Sometimes the paint is applied too thick and will fail. if the substrate is not prepared correctly, primer, sealer, etc, it will fail. Other things that causes failure on MHs is the color difference/design. As mention earlier, some colors heat-up more that others and cause stress in the surrounding areas. Giving advice on how to repair clear coat on this forum is next to impossible. Look at car/truck paint, and how some fail, and others do not. If you have any experience painting, give it a try, you will not be out that much money and it will probably look better than it does now. If not, it will give you some appreciation for having a pro do it.