Whether it is Diamond Shield or 3M. MY opinion is, on motorhomes, you should allow at least 90 days for the paint to "cure" before installing any type shield. Back in the early 2000's before the factory's offered the shields as an option, we had 3M installed on sold motorhomes and NEVER had any type problem. Once the Factory's offered it as an option, we started seeing the type problems that are on this thread. Usually, the motorhomes had at least a month to cure before we sold them. At the factory, the shield is installed within a few days of being painted. IMO, if the paint has had time to cure and the product is professionally installed, there are no problems. Doug
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BOTH PRODUCTS. IT IS HOW IT IS INSTALLED AND WHAT IT IS INSTALLED ON. If the paint or fiberglass is not properly set up and cured, then the product will have problems. If NOT installed correctly, it will have problems. After observing numerous installs on motorhomes, it is the INSTALLER than can make a big difference.