Years ago there was a post that was made into a sticky about breakdown information. The OP was going to compile the info that the members provided and post the results, but he got sick somewhere along the line and was unable to compile the data in summary format. This would have been very useful information for new buyers. I read through most of the posts years ago and did not see many eng failures of Diesels or gas engines my take away of the 81 pages of posts was that both gas and DP's broke down but the DP's required much more money repair. The DP block may last 500k miles but the accessories like turbos, alternators, radiators, etc don't. Likewise the gas eng may go 250k miles(mine has 108k miles)but the accessories don't. I have kept a record of all my repairs and maintenance costs over 12 years of ownership. Maintenance/repair cost/ mile would probably be a better comparison.