Forum Discussion

EMD360's avatar
Dec 21, 2021

Differential Service

Has anyone had to have their differential serviced? Never an issue on our first RV. This one is in the shop for rear brakes and they found the oil low and metal shavings in it. I read up on differential requirements and the oil should be checked between 50000 and 60000 miles. That’s where we are on mileage. I had noticed a new roaring noise on acceleration which might be traced to this problem. Shop will service. Hopefully just new seals and oil.
  • He said when the particulate matter in existing fluid will, when replaced, make the seals/ gaskets the "weakest link" & they may fail more readily. Let a sleeping dog lay.
  • I ran into the same question when doing other fluids at 60 and every interval after. Shop said they could but new fluid could actually cause more harm by being pristine, then leading to other issues, particularly before heading out of a trip. Thanks for raising the topic for more perspectives.
  • Should it be? Absolutely. 50k on an axle largely operated at max capacity, it’s due.
    However realize “servicing” is nothing more than dumping the oil and replacing. So it shouldn’t be very expensive if it’s already on the rack.
    $100 in fluid and an hour of shop time. Any more is overcharging.
    Also be ware that metal shavings isn’t necessarily bad. Metal chunks are. All axles lose some material through operation, that’s why the magnet is there, to collect it.

    Can’t help diagnose the noise but it’s possible it’s the rear end.