Forum Discussion

jeffengle's avatar
Mar 22, 2016


We travel & camp about 60 days a year, whenever we use a Good Sams campground we ask about the the fee & then tell them we are members & they say Oh, that was the discount fee. We have never gotten our Good Sam discount. Has anyone else noticied this. We sometimes get 20% military discount. Jeff
  • The few times we have used it, we have gotten the discount. Sometimes military or AARP gives a better one. It is rare we stop at private CG's.
  • Most of the times I have stayed at a Good Sams camp ground I have received the discount. The only time I have not is on longer stays where they give a discounted weekly rate, then they don't give the additional discount.
  • I have always received the Good Sam discount at Good Sam parks and at campgrounds that are not good Sam but give the discount. In most cases the person will ask if I am a Good Sam member and give the discount without even looking or asking for the membership card. As already stated the only times discount is not given is on an extended stay with special rates.
  • Only time we have used it we were offered a bigger discount for cash!
    Guess you need to know what the site normal price is before asking for discount so as to check.Then report them to Good Sam if you do not get what they should offer.
  • The few times we have used it as far as I can remember, they usually ask me if I am a member and just continue writing up the ticket. It has always shown the full price then the discount.