Thanks guys.. ya I’m pretty concerned about the “weight” alone with the hitch as I’m sporting around a “7 level spinal fusion” installed in my back, titanium rods, nuts and bolts”... I struggle through the pain it causes every single time I bend, stoop or try to pick anything with weight up. I’m hoping between my neighbor and myself, we can come up with some “easier” idea.. another question: I’ve watch the “installment video by Curt”, and it looks like I need to get my trailer to a level situation. As it sits right now, it’s definetly down hill in the back. So do I need to tow (Close!) without the weight distribution hitch attached to level ground to put on the whole thing correctly, oh and put my ATV on the front as well so it is bearing exact weight I will be carrying? And will towing it close to level ground will that hurt my vehicle with all that weight? When I purchased it, I had my neighbor with his truck tow it home, so I haven’t had it on mine yet... well I guess I just answered my own question... he towed it home without a weight distribution hitch... didn’t hurt his hitch... lol but I do need to have everything level in “spot” with ATV in front to set it up correctly right? My driveway is just not level.. I live in the mountains on acreage, just not a big enough leveling area in my driveway...