If you are going to leave the hitch head in the tow vehicle, I would spray the square bar and lockable locking pin down with something like Bowshield or WD-40 every so often, maybe every two or three months so the hitch doesn't rust into the receiver. That way if and when you trade tow vehicles, you can keep your old hitch and not have to buy a new one. Heavy Water Resistant wheel bearing grease will also work, though it is a mess when you do remove the hitch head. Rest assured, the towing receiver will rust even if you don't use it. I bought my Chevrolet Pick-up from my sister who only used a fifth wheel hitch in the two years she had the truck and when I bought it, I had to beat my receiver in and out with a big sledge hammer the use it. The more I have installed and removed the hitch, the easier it has become. Still hate the cheap receiver Chevy installed. I never had those problems with the Reese Receiver I installed on my 75 IHC Scout II which I owned for 24 years. I guess they don't make them like that any more.