Forum Discussion

chuckbear's avatar
Jan 21, 2018

Do I Have a Transmission Problem?

I have a 1999 Fleetwood Bounder with a V10 engine on an F53 chassis. On Friday my mechanic pulled the parking brake housing to do a rebuild. He took it to his shop to do the work. Since Friday morning I have lost at least a quart of transmission fluid that has leaked into the absorbent pads stuffed around the spline and under the transmission back end to catch anything. I have a bucket under everything to catch what the pads might not get and there is a small amount in the bucket. I'm pretty sure it should not do this with the parking brake drum removed. I suspect there is a seal leaking at the rear of the transmission. Has anyone had this problem and what were the costs to repair?
Also, can anyone tell me what transmission I might have? Thanks. Chuck
  • Thanks Dale. There is a pan under the area to catch the fluid. But also some absorbent pads to soak it up. The drip hits a crosspiece and runs along that and drips over about a 2-foot area without the pads soaking most of it up. I can easily check the fluid level when it's done to know how much to add. Chuck The transmission has recently had the fluid and filter changed. Chuck
  • As Richard described you don't have a problem. Without the end unit in place it's going to leak fluid. Would have been better to have a somewhat clean catch pan under it so you could measure what leaks out and refill with exact same amount of new fluid.

    Might be a good moment to do a drain and fill of the transmission along with replacing the filter.
  • Chuck,
    Your mechanic removed the whole brake assembly, not just the brake drum. That assembly must be dissembled to change the brake shoes. You should also be billed for two seals, as both seals have to be removed to disassemble the brake assemble far enough to change the brake shoes. He may also elect to change the two bearings. There is no rear transmission seal. The ZF emergency brake assembly houses the seal that retains the transmission fluid. All is well. The transmission will stop leaking when the ZF emergency brake is reinstalled. Your tranny is a 4R100.

  • If the front of the vehicle is up at all then some fluid will run out. With the parking brake removed you sort of have a hole back there. My 99 has the 4R100 transmission.
  • You likely have the 4R100 4 speed. I have an Excursion with the V10 and same transmission. The front seal did leak and cost about $1000 to repair as the transmission had to be dropped to access. The cost was 95% labor. Later the rear seal leaked and this was a minor fix and only required dropping of the driveshaft to repair, say $200.