There used to be an After Market Motorcycle shop in Maryland. They had a scam going where they would take a bike in as a trade and never pay off the loan. They would then sell it and give a paper plate but never do the title work. So what would happen is the original Finance Company would repo it if they could find it but even if they did not repo it you could not get it registered in the new owners name as the Stealership never did any of the paper work.
I purchased from him twice but I made sure that my loan was paid off, even though it took two months for him to do it. I was there almost everyday making a pest out of myself to make sure that he did make the payoff. I was one of the lucky few that did not get scammed.
Well, this rocket scientist took a bike in that was owned by the President of a Major Motorcycle Club (a 1%'er for those that know anything about The M/C World). The last that I heard he had not been seen for quite some time. Gee, I wonder what happened to him????? My guess is that he was Crab Food in Chesapeake Bay.