hardtobe wrote:
obviously DMV don't do their job as well as smith suggests
California has the most and strictest consumer protection laws in the country, bar none. However, they also don't have enough people trying to enforce those laws.
Furthermore, too many folks expect businesses to do the "right" thing and these things drag out. The OP is a perfect example....he's already waited three months before coming here for advice....several folks on here suggested he continue this debacle by contacting the dealer and try to work it out, either through negotiations and/or threats...the DMV works on complaints. If everyone filed a complaint with them, they would act more quickly. One or two complaints a year against a dealer as large as McMahons is only a drop in the bucket. That they may be doing it as a regular business model is only relevant if they are investigated. That won't happen until and unless many more people file complaints. Read the "RipOff Reports"..only 8 reports and of those, only two for similar situations...
Asking why McMahon keeps getting away with this, is like asking why ALL speeders don't get tickets....:W....Dennis