UsualSuspect wrote:
x2 Dennis. I know a few DMV Investigators who are neighbors. They said most of their complaints come from DMV Clerks, not the public at large, and usually when it is someone from the public it is because they were referred from an Attorney, rarely does someone walk through the door or call. I hope that anyone in the future who runs across this thread takes the time to file a complaint with DMV, it will bite them where they don't want to be bitten.
Many of their complaints used to come from me. I was an investigator with the DA's Office. People would come to us with these types of complaints and I had the local DMV Investigators on speed dial. Most of the time we would refer them straight to DMV, and on bigger cases we would work with DMV. In fact I retired almost 2 1/2 years ago now, and my last active case just wrapped up a couple of months ago and it was a car dealer who did these exact things. It was a huge monster of a case but this guy was almost 100% fraudulent. Lots of people lost lots of money that they'll never see again. This dealer the OP is talking about is just fudging on the rules trying to squeeze out a few extra dollars from each deal and is likely not intending to steal all this money.