I'll say carpet it. I did mine. It was a pain. Like trying to carpet a basketball! Use a carpet with a high fiber so you can "mow" the seams. Multi color fibers help hide seams too. Carpet tape will not work. The engine heat melts the adhesive. Do it in pieces and use a heat gun to soften the carpet backing. Save the "hard parts" for last. You'll learn how to do it on the "easy parts". Leather gloves so you can work with it while still hot. Sand the old glue off and wipe clean. I "clamped" the pieces down with 1x4's scraps and screws, letting one piece dry all night before adding the next piece the next day. I used liquid nails as glue. Don't spare the glue! Some hot glue spots will help to hold it while the real glue drys. Trim the fibers with scissors to even out the seams. Watch the carpet pattern and make sure you orient it the same direction. Take a sharpie and mark arrows all over the back of the carpet so you can tell "up" from "down" after you cut it. I did mine on a table in the workshop. A/C in the shop was on! Three day job. Lots of clamps helps. Doing it in the RV on the floor would be even harder. Someone there to say "Hold this" to helps! The carpet helps with noise and heat so use carpet. If you step on your doghouses top, consider laminate flooring on the flat top side. Trust me you'll never want to do it again. If you walk on the carpet, it will wear out but if you use laminate on the top, it will last the life of the RV. Lowes or Home Depot will give you a "sample" piece free that should be enough to do the top.