Forum Discussion

laplatarosa's avatar
Jan 21, 2014

Dometic 310 Toilet?

I installed a new Dometic 310 Toilet in April 2011. Last year (2013)the vacuum breaker w/sprayer started leaking through the spray head whenever the toilet was flushed. I ended up replacing the whole vacuum breaker w/sprayer. Now less than a year later the sprayer is leaking again.

Any ideas what is happening?

Thanks in advance for your thought and ideas.

  • If you live in a freeze zone could be damaged from freezing depending on how you winterize.

    Also high water pressure or manufacture defect.
  • New Mexico......hard water build up in sprayer head.

    Remove sprayer head from end of hose......using a rubber band hold the lever open and then drop the whole sprayer head into a jar filled with white vinegar overnight.

    The sprayers are installed after the water valve so that full water pressure is on sprayer only when water valve is opened. They do not shut off under full pressure very well....any mineral build up and they can leak.

    Also if just problem with sprayer you don't have to replace vacuum breaker also. Sprayer can be replaced using any regular kitchen sink type sprayer from hardware store......hose clamp to vacuum breaker stub out
  • Not al all disagreeing with old-biscuit, but if you do the vinegar route, be there and keep an eye on it.

    We soaked our showerhead in vinegar, and after a few too many days, and plastic chrome finish is completely trashed.
    It does work real good now tho, just looks like he!!
  • When I installed mine, it didnt have the sprayer vacuum thing, just the regular one. I added a T inline with the water pipe and used that for the sprayer. It's never leaked and the regular ones are cheaper.

    The 310 has to be one of the best toilets ever made for rv's.
  • I have a 310 and I haven't had that problem yet. I guess our Oregon water is softer. I like the sprayer, it has come in very handy and they are still making them if you forget and ruin the old one.