Just thought of why a home frig and solar panels will not work. First, I like camping in the mountains. Under the beautiful trees. The trees block the sun. No sun no free electricity from the panels. Two, I like to travel. When traveling you turn corners. Turning corners will make the door fly open. Home frigs don't have door locks. Also the shelves are designed to hold items in place. I would have to start my generator and run it several hours to charge up the batteries to run the converter.
If I was a person who lived in my RV year round and didn't move a home frig would make sense. I plan on using my RV camping in the mountains in the summer. In the winter I will,be at home. Spring and fall I plan on traveling. So I will have to stick with conventional RV Frig. But thanks for the idea. They are good one, but not practical for what I plan on doing. If I am wrong please let me know why.
Thanks You