zman-az wrote:
timmac wrote:
Just to let you know my canoe will be powered by a Lehr 5hp propane motor, the motors are new on market as of last year 2012, uses the small green propane tank like your portable grill or heater..
Here is the website..
Not trying to poop on your party but good luck with that. I am a hardware dealer that dealt with their portable propane powered string trimmers about 4 years ago. Was a total disaster. Poor quality control and lots of upset customers. Hopefully they got their act together now as the propane concept is pretty cool.
So far long test runs in a metal trash can with water it works good, starts easy and runs smooth, however it does seem to be on the average quality side, not sure how long it will last, been reports the China company that makes the outboard also did it for Yamaha for a while back as is the same design, the little propane tank is neat, no more fuel spillage in the water and safer to carry fuel in my Jeep, not to mention no more carb to gum up while in storage.
They do have a web-site for owners to get answers on issues, I sent one about different props and they answered back fast, they also have uploaded videos on maintenance and troubling shooting, maybe they are getting their act together..