The Texan wrote:
Alan_Hepburn wrote:
nevadanick wrote:
I have an email saved from Valley division CHP that says double towing is legal and follows what was stated above about having a Class A with doubles endorsement.
that is the crux of the matter right there: doubles REQUIRES a Class A license with doubles endorsement! A Class C license will not make you legal, and a Non-Commercial Class A will not make you legal. You need a full, Class A commercial license with the doubles endorsement to be legal.
Now, there are people who will say "Well, my buddy is a CHP officer and he does it all the time" - to that I say there are CH officers who also exceed the speed limit, or don't come to a complete stop at a stop sign, or don't signal a turn either!
Applies ONLY to CA the requirements for NON-residents.
After reading the Cali law I am able to tow my Jeep and a boat behind my motorhome if my length is 65ft or under bumper to bumper and allowed up to 70ft total length included over hang such as boat over hang goes past trailer.
{3rd trailer has to be a boat, Jet Ski or small ATV trailer}
My Nevada class c license is good but I will just need a health cert from medical doctor for California.
Nevada no longer requires a R endorsement if trailers are under 10,000 lbs, that also includes double towing.