Forum Discussion

DavidFlair's avatar
Mar 30, 2024

Downhill from Yosemite lost brake compression.


I was wondering if anyone has any advice.

On the way back north from Yosemite we lost brake compression. Pedal all the way down and very little braking. Up to that point, I was using mostly gears to slow down but did add some brake pumping here and there. The weather wasn't hot. I was able to brake a little bit but not enough to feel safe and the pedal traveled all the way to the floor.

We pulled off and waited an hour. Then got back on the road and brakes worked fine. Though we were mostly done with the steep declines.

Brakes have been fine since then. I mean they are not good brakes, but they work as I believe they should. We have a 98 Fleetwood Flair 25'.

Should I change the brake fluid? I really don't want to or see the need to change the actual brakes unless I'm mistaking? Or is it something that I should expect and just make more cooldown stops when declining in elevation over a long period of time?

Thank you for the tips,


  • Take it into a shop, explain the problem and have them go over the brake system. Possibly water in the brake fluid but better to give it a full once over.

  • Brake fluid should be replaced every two years to avoid moisture accumulation leading to lower boiling point from hot brakes which induces air and spongy or no brakes until they cool off. Save your life and change the brake fluid!

  • The brake fluid may have boiled. Best to have the lines purged and have new fluid installed.