Depends on what you are pulling. It's not as much a matter of struggling as it is the capacity. A gasser tops out (with a few exceptions) of 5k#. Subtract carrying weight etc and you can be left with a slim margain based on the coach. DP's are typically rated at 10k#. Again subtract the weight and you get what you can tow. So a toad rated under the capacity of a gasser will tow just fine. But don't expect to have much luck when you get near or over. Get the one that ties closer to what you want to tow. But in general gassers don't have much problem towing a toad within reason. I can't even tell our civic is back there. 37' is a big gasser. So perhaps it would sweat a bit more than say a 32' coach. DP won't sweat at all. But you pay for that. So it really depends on your needs and wallet.