If you read Johnny T FAQ's and go to Choosing Diesel vs Gas he explains it very well in detail with charts and other ref materials, as does Silverback. To further simplify your question, I have never seen a DP and a gas class A that were the same weight. Typically a 38-40 ft DP will weigh over 30k lbs. In gross terms a short gas will weigh half that. 300 hp divided by 30,000 lbs is .01 HP/WT ratio. A 32 ft Class gas A would weigh maybe 18,000 lbs and with 362 hp would have a ratio of .02 and would be much faster than the DP up the hill or on the flat road. Compare 0-60 or 40-60 mph times often posted in MH reviews in MH magazines, that will tell you which will be faster for hill climbing. The choice would have to be based on ride quality, noise level, exhaust brake, higher quality build etc. not power. I have a 18 year old 454 class A with headers etc. that has maybe 300 hp and can out climb my 3 friends DP's because of the above reasons.