Sez Hoo! wrote:
You can expect all you want. Show me gassers with over 200k miles. DP will out last Gassers any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Why do you think it cost more for an rv with a diesel. The diesel will last longer. Compare a gasser with a front end diesel(fred) with the only difference being the power train. The rest of the coach can be identical and you'll pay more for the fred than you will for the gasser. Why?
Lets see now.
150,000 - 250,000 miles is a reasonable life for today's gas MH's (probably more with good maintenance).
7500 miles driven per year (typical).
150,000 - 250,000/7500 equals about 20 - 33 years life.
What is the typical condition of the "house" part of a 1993 - 1980 MH??
Oh yes, the typical extra maintenance costs of a dp, over 20 years, will probably pay to overhaul a gasser. Heck, replacing a dp turbo or fuel injection pump will likely pay for it.