My recommendation is to take it to a shopping mall during the off hours when there is nothing to hit but light poles and the brakes.. Take some cones as well. Practice driving around the mall, Find where the center of the lane is.
Now... Put an inventory control "DOT" (Sticker) on the windshield (inside) in a place where it will cover the center line on the road when you are CENTERED in the lane (2 drivers, use 2 dots, different colors).
This is the most important clue I can give you.
Practice backing into "Campsites" marked out with cones or other run-overable markers.
WIth time you will get used to it..
Do not do what I did if you can avoid it.
2nd time driving RV I accidently hit a car on my right (Multi-lane, I was in 2nd lane and a bit too far right) The guy got out "What don't you know how to drive?" I told him "well, this is only my second time driving this rig and I'm still learning".. Took all the fight out of him with that simple agreement.
Then he told me how much damage he thought I had done to his car.. As it happens I know the applicable state law and his estimate was equal to my liability in a case like this so I cut him a check right there.
Poor guy.. I'll bet his next accident is not that nice.