STEVEP220 wrote:
I own a 2005 38' diesel pusher. I plan to dry camp using my generator during the day and battery power at night. I have two deep cycle house batteries. My question is how many hours should the batteries supply power before they are dead?
Our rig is a 38' DP also. We have four golf cart batteries with 440 AH of storage when fully charged.
Fully Charged is 12.6v
Half Gone is @12.2v
Dead is @ 11.8v or less
We camp where we cannot use the generator between 8pm and 10am so 14 hours. We have no solar.
We can watch TV in the evening and morning use some lights, use the furnace at 48 degrees outside, and make drip coffee in the morning using the inverter.
At 10am we are usually at 12.2v which I guess would be 220 AH used.
You should begin recharging the batteries at 12.2v to get the longest service from your batteries.
The first step you might want to accomplish is to learn how many Amp Hours your deep storage batteries are rated at and then plan to use half of those AH.