In my experience, the only ones that are a real pain are the outside ones with the stems pointing towards the BACK of the wheel pair.
That is a convention copied from tractor-trailers so that any wheel/tire can be used in any position......and one spare can be used for ALL of them.
On an RV that is ridiculous.
I have mine modified with a short, straight stem on the two outside tires.
That eliminates about 90% of the problem.
So, then you can not switch that wheel to the inside of a pair.
So what......BIG DEAL. I can't see a good reason that you would NEED to do that anytime.
P.S. My "truck" tire shop thought that was an unusual request.
I told them "IF you can tell me any good reason that is NOT a good idea, then I will leave them alone."
They changed them out......and agreed it was a good idea for an RV.
P.S.S. Before that I tried valve stem "extensions" and they CAUSED tires to go flat twice before I threw them away.