Executive wrote:
FIRE UP wrote:
/snip/It's amazing to me that others TELL people not to go on this road if they've never done it. You should make that decision for yourself. It's something one has to see for themselves. Now, once you've done it and, it does not appeal to you, then you can make an educated decision as to not travel it again.
Scott..I've told people where to go, but never where NOT to go...:B....that said, with all due respect, I must disagree with you here. That would be like telling someone who's afraid of flying to get on the plane and go. If you're still scared out of your wits, it's a little hard to simply get off. Heading up 550 to Ouray is not the time for experimenting. There's not too many places to simply make a U-Turn and say "Let's go a different way"...Google maps is everyone's friend. If you're unsure of a road, simply google it, move the little man down on the road and go....I've done it, many others have too, but I agree with The Texan..it ain't for the faint of heart....Dennis
Million Dollar Highway
There's no problems with disagreements here. That's why we live in America, so we all can have opinions. I was not pointing at you or anyone in particular in that statement. It was a general statement and you and I have seen it many, many times on here. People simply make a statement to not go on a route like that because THEY did not like it. No one can predict what or how a person or couple will feel on this route in question. While some might not ever tackle it again, some might think it's a cake walk and continually use that route to get at their destinations.
You're certainly right about that route not having all that many "turn-a-bouts" just in case one changes their mind. In fact, there's almost none that I can remember but, my memories not what it used to be, not that it was ever that good in the first place. Anyway, a couple of more steep routes/grades are mentioned in this thread too that we've been on. The east exit out of Yellowstone and, the 14A out of Cody both are some serious steep climbs/grades.
We've been on both with a 34' Fleetwood Bounder with the V-10 and towing a 16' enclosed trailer with a 900lb. Goldwing and little trailer etc. and that, was some serious work for that V-10.
But, I guess driving these rigs in all kinds of predicaments is just not that big of a deal to me. I guess it effects others in a different manner.
By the way, I don't know if any of you remember the TV program "Dangerous Roads" or not but, they did an episode on that road, (the 550 or, Million Dollar Highway) with two fuel tanker drivers, a son and father team that do it almost daily with tandem fuel tankers. Much of the show was shot in the snow over those passes. Now that, just might bump up the heartbeat up a notch or two.