carringb wrote:
There is no Cruise Control Module on the E-series. It's either vacuum-controlled (pre-2005) or PCM controller (2005+, when the TorqueShift came out).
A loss of cruise control combined with a check engine light on a vacuum-servo system would make me suspect a large vacuum leak. It could be the servo itself, but could also be a stuck evap solenoid, or possible even the vacuum hose coming off the intake manifold. Are you able to get air to blow out the dash-vents?
Yes. Am able to get air thru the dash vents. My unit is a 2006 with a 6.8 liter engine. This problem has occurred at least 3 times over past 4yrs. Could this indicate a servo or stuck evap solenoid? After each occurrence, I've shut motor off. Then started use again with no problem for almost a year or more.