RayChez wrote:
xctraveler wrote:
Uh, East Coast is usually not tornado country, it does happen, but like the center of the country. Texoma and Indiana are hardly east, although you must find your way through the Tornado belt to get to the east. there is plenty of bad weather in the Northeast and along the coast, mostly winter weather into March. Even open campgrounds will have their water systems drained with fw access at a central location.
I think I saw that OP was reconsidering their schedule to later already. we are beating this dead horse for no good reason.
How about South Carolina, North Carolina, Arkansas are they east coast? I had tornado warning through out most of those states. Tornado alley.
The Carolinas are certainly coastal. Arkansas not so much. I didn't say they have NO tornados, just that they are not in the primary tornado zone.
What ever, have it your way, not worth arguing about!