Forum Discussion

topher80's avatar
Oct 03, 2013

Eeven Brake eats car batteries

Good morning all. Towing Jeep Grand Cherokee from NH to FL and id way through the trip the brake monitor told me battery low. So I went into the Jeep and sure enough the car battery was dead.

After getting the Jeep jumped, we rand it for an hour or so and hooked to up the next morning and 3-hours into the trip, guess what. Battery was drained dead. I called Roadmaster and they told me the Even-Brake system draws 15 amps every time the compressor is on,. Plus we have to have the auxiliary position on to run the brake system.

Any work arounds for this? I guess I am not the only one to have this problem.
  • Google LSL products and look at the "Toad Charge", easy hook up if you can use tools. Been using one for 5 years now and have not had any more dead battery problems. Good product with a lot of built in safety features and worth the price in peace of mind. One less thing to deal with.
    Blessings; KDK
  • You can get one of the battery jumper boxes and use it to power your brake system. At least when it dies you would still be able to drive your vehicle. These are available from Harbor Freight, and other sources, for under $50.