Love Harbor Freight! Thanks. I used a phone charger to make sure all the recepticles worked. I'll do that again to find which breakers control what.
Everything was fine when I made this post, but now I have problems.
I was testing gen with the AC running, turned off the AC, shut down the gen, switched back to 115 from the house. A little while later at the coach control panel everything read full bars: all wet tanks, batteries, LP Gas... the other day they were all working correctly: tanks empty, LP Gas at 3/4. I don't know if the gen testing caused an issue with the control panel.
Yesterday I was replacing the LP Gas alarm, a wire slipped, touched ground and must have popped a fuse. I started chasing those wires down hand-over-hand through the floor, across the under belly and towards the engine compartment where I lost them. Tomorrow I'll pull all the fuses I can get to in the cab and a few other inline fuses. Those fuses in the engine compartment are unaccessable. (Why did they put that fuse box right under the master cylinder?)
This morning I noticed the water pump running. I checked that all the switches were off, so I disconnected the pump.
Tomorrow will be a full day running down those problems.
Sometimes I am my own worst enemy.