ssia2485 wrote:
I would not recommend using a plug in a high pressure tire such as a motorhome or dually. I have tried this in the past and the damage done to the cords inside of the tire when you run the reamer through the puncture to enlarge the hole causes the tire to fail later down the road. .
They plug high pressure tires all the time. Too small of a hole and the pressure from the tire will cut the plug in half when it closes back up. . Could be why you had failures
You can find a Nealy kit in many truck stops. They are made specifically for high pressure truck tires. I carry the Nealy for the motor home tires and a different kit for the tow dolly and car tires.
If you try to use a car kit on a motorhome tire it probably won't work, the plugs are too small. Nealy plugs are 14" long vs the car plugs which are a couple of inches.
I was turned on to Nealy plugs by a truck stop tire shop.
Then get to a tire shop and have them put an inside patch it. High pressure tires I'd get it patched as soon as I could, lower pressure tires it's a toss up. Never had a plug fail on a lower pressure tire. Your options can be limited when you're in the middle of nowhere and no cell signal.
We carry a 22.5 spare with us, which most don't so I would only do it if I had no choice. Road side will change my tire and I can get the other one patched.
Now tip on carrying a spare, have you ever priced out a 22.5 tire on a Sunday in the middle of now where? Plus lots of motorhome tires are a specialty size, in the Savannah area there was a 1 week delivery delay. VERY often you're forced into taking a tire that is not the same exact size. That means you get to buy that tire twice. Once to get you back on the road and again when you find the right size. Our tire cost $600, on a Sunday in the middle of nowhere that is a $1000 tire. On advice and pleading of coach net (yes she actually pleaded with us) we carry the spare in the trunk of our tow vehicle.