If you want to know about oil--surf on over to Bobtheoilguy dot com
After reading a lot of stuff about oil and my E450 I decided to just do what Ford recommends--Use the Motorcraft Syn Blend with a Motorcraft filter. With a new engine starting with and staying with Ford Motorcraft Syn Blend oil is as good as it gets. After a few oil changes I will switch to 5-30 vs the more common 5-20 at WalMart. Hopefully I can find it.
My first oil change last month was at about 3300 miles. the V10 never lost a drop of oil. I picked it up at the manufacturer in Elkhart and drove the first 1000 miles never going above 60mph, and I didn't use cruise very much even on I80 because I tried to vary the speed, and let it coast every so often. I never had to jam on the brakes and I didn't drag start at the a stoplight I came to. IOW, it tried my best to drive it easy those first 1000 miles. After that--the kid gloves came off :)