Forum Discussion

sealevel_ram's avatar
Mar 05, 2016

Engine Quits When Brakes Applied

Took my 04 Winnebago Ultimate Freedom out of the garage for short trip. Beautiful day. Beautiful unit. Cummins ISL runs beautifully at idle.

Step on brakes and engine dies. Put on emergency blinkers and engine dies. Restart and same thing happens every time.
Happens with transmission in Park, Drive, and Reverse.

Anybody have this experience, or know what is going on?
  • Here's another way to prove it....after starting vehicle, hold batt bank jump switch..this will put house batteries in circuit, step on brake, if it is OK, then let go of switch, then it it dies, engine battery.
  • Could even be bad batteries that are so dead chassis wise...that when the brake lights or other heavy draw comes on, batteries short out and engine dies....Check alternator first, if that is charging's the engine battery shorting out.
  • Any work done recently?

    I remember finding some wires pinched behind a master cylinder another shop had replaced. Similar in quitting when brakes applied. Yours is different but still similar.
  • It could also be a bad ground; in fact, I would think that equally as likely as a short.
  • midnightsadie wrote:
    sounds like a short in a wire ,some where.
