Thanks for all the replies. At home i lay a pallet by the door and it makes a nice entry step. Cant exactly carry a pallet with me though. Just got to decide which step to buy.
I'm jealous that you have levelers. That is my one regret in purchasing my 2015 Class C. I sure do wish I would have had them add them when I bought it. I have four packages of those Linx levelers I think they are called. Orange pads that look like legos. I use some of them to level in the camp site and use the leftovers to make a step in I had to raise that side up much. With those pads, I can make the step any height I need it to be. I find a couple layers or maybe three is about right most of the time.
This is my first Rv and I was kind of lucky that the levelers were on the unit that was on the lot. I do find i like them more and more, even though they do have occasional issues.