Thanks Eddie. I think it's wood rAfters, based on the wood fibers embedded in the screw threads when I ripped one out of the rot. I was thinking about putting a gentle radius on rafters before decking. You're right it is flat. Probably from rot/fatigue now. I might PM you for details about your elevation fix when I get to it.
So I spoke to me Mama and she wants me to "patch" it and she will store w Tarp on it until she's more flush. I found the materials for about $500, I'm doing the work for nothing.
I can't imagine it ever being any cheaper than that. Retail is what, $3000? Without all the structural damage. I might have to buy these materials myself to effect a repair.
What say the masses?
Can this rotted, sagging roof be "patched". I can easily jam my heel through the deck if I want to.
Help me convince her to do the right thing.