Thanks for the responses greatly appreciated. First the Toyota has come from the manufacturer with as small as a 7100 BTU roof air. I cannot find anyone that has or had one. I have been scouring the net for a used one, but they are rarer than hens teeth.
The Australian site for RV AC recommends a 8800 btu roof AC for my size unit and the European site recommends about the same. Other than the US there are lots of small roof airs available. Hence my wondering about their insulation standards.
The 9200 available has too large an LRA to run off a small generator and the Lower draw 11K unit is the same BTU as I have now, which I suspect is too large for my unit.
I procastinated during the high 90's days on buying an 8000 btu for testing and the day after I bought it the temp has dropped into the high 80's. The highest temp I see in the next 2 weeks will be 92°. I have the 8000 btu duk taped and bailing wired to the unit, but need some mid 90 weather for testing. So am hoping for some input from others who have went smaller.
Yes I checked into portable units, consumer reports gives them very bad reports. And most RV'ers that have tried them give mixed reviews.
I know for a fact from living in hot humid FL that too large an AC is as bad if not worse than a small AC.
Again thanks for the responses and I hope for more. Jim