Forum Discussion

TwandDW's avatar
Jul 14, 2014

Ez pass locations

We have a class a diesel and are having problems with the ez pass being read on the windshield. Does anyone have any suggestions for placement or tips on where it should go to be read. It reads sometimes and not others. Ez pass customer service says it's the placement. We've tried upper windshield, middle windshield nod lower windshield all in the center of the window.
  • Richert wrote:
    No problems, mine is mounted about 2-3 inches above the bottom of the windshield as close to center as possible. Sounds like a weak transponder, tell them you need a new one.

    ^ X2
  • No problems, mine is mounted about 2-3 inches above the bottom of the windshield as close to center as possible. Sounds like a weak transponder, tell them you need a new one.
  • Never had a problem with mine: passenger side window, towards the middle post, just below the tint.
  • TwandDW wrote:
    We have a class a diesel and are having problems with the ez pass being read on the windshield. Does anyone have any suggestions for placement or tips on where it should go to be read. It reads sometimes and not others. Ez pass customer service says it's the placement. We've tried upper windshield, middle windshield nod lower windshield all in the center of the window.

    I put our Illinois I-Pass transponder in the cabinet in front and above the driver's seat. the transponder has a plastic Velcro-like fastener on it and it sticks quite well to the fuzzy fabric that lines the cabinet. works well.
  • Romer1 wrote:
    Illinois I Pass has mounting instructions for vertical windshields hereVertical windshield IPass mounting

    1-2" from bottom, near center. Works finee, mine was reliably read in IL, IN OH & NY. Would think EZPass would work same.

    i see in those instructions they also offer the LICENSE PLATE mounted transponder for those that might have problems w/ the windshield based transponders.

    I don't know about the OP's tag, but ours are more like STICKERS w/ a lower power transponders than the older style plastic boxes.
  • Illinois I Pass has mounting instructions for vertical windshields hereVertical windshield IPass mounting

    1-2" from bottom, near center. Works finee, mine was reliably read in IL, IN OH & NY. Would think EZPass would work same.
  • Mine works well in the center of the windshield very low near the dash. This is about the same height as the top of the windshield in my car and truck.

    05 Travel Supreme Envoy
  • MY EZPASS works well on my front windshield except in NYC. Invariably the attendant must come over and I give him the unit which he scans with a device on the side of one of the posts, then I am on my way. Attendant always states this is a common occurrence
  • ours can be hit & miss too, even before i added the "brow line" tint.
    mine is not behind the brow-line tint...and it still gets read (more often than not).

    the ez-tag lanes in texas take a photo of your license plate every time you roll thru (even if it reads the tag)....if the license tag (photo) matches an account or ez tag associated or on file then it just bills the account.

    there are alternative devices that can be bolted on the front bumper (usually where the license tag goes).
  • TwandDW wrote:
    We have a class a diesel and are having problems with the ez pass being read on the windshield. Does anyone have any suggestions for placement or tips on where it should go to be read. It reads sometimes and not others. Ez pass customer service says it's the placement. We've tried upper windshield, middle windshield nod lower windshield all in the center of the window.

    We had problems with our first one right out of the box, had to send it back and get another one. I have mine just below the shaded part of the windshield. Works fine.