A reversible RV ceiling vent fan has a little known use that can be outstanding: When traveling on dusty roads or even for traveling in any situation, if needed run the air conditioner or heater on the recirculate air setting, close up every window, and close up every ceiling vent except one with a reversible fan in it. Set this fan to the "blow in" mode, and set it on the slowest or next to the slowest speed setting. The fan then "tries" to bring air into the motorhome but "can't" because everything is closed up. What is then happening is this fan is establishing and maintaining a slight air pressure inside the motorhome.
This slight air pressure keeps all dust out of the interior that otherwise might seep in through small cracks, window seals, door seals, etc.. We do this a lot to help keep the interior of the RV cleaner when traveling - especially in dirty air or when on dusty roads.