Forum Discussion

moparcanuck's avatar
May 13, 2013

Fantasticvent stuck?

I have a couple Fantasticvents on my 1994 Newmar. Not sure exactly which model number, but look to be fairly basic. Both of them will not open. The motor seems to have power and WANTS to turn, but the lift mechanism is seized or something. Even trying to open it manually, it won't budge. Looks like the prior owner may have had the same problem as the plastic interior case is broken and then patched up around the gearing motor (likely too much back torque by the motor, snapped the plastic inside.)

Anyone else encountered this?
  • Mine sicks occasionally. It is the plastic on the seal. I crank it inside, go up, open with fingers, finish opening completely and spray with silicone spray.
  • Atwood bought Fantastic fan last year then closed the Michigan offices, warehouse, and production facility. I think I recall that the products are now stocked in LaGrange, IN. Looks like the end of one of the best customer service programs in not only the industry but in the country !

    Now back to the issue--- Gently pry up from roof side with someone inside putting gentle pressure on the knob manually. Remember to pull knob down to disengage from motor to spin manually. I cleaned and coated my seals with baby powder each spring and no more sticking. Silicone works also but I had to retreat every few months if I started to get a slight stick.
  • Jack_Diane_Freedom wrote:
    This is fairly commom with Fantastic vents. Contact Fantastic and they will send you new gasgets/lube at no charge.

    I know for fact that as of 1/1/2013 Fantastic is no longer providing free parts for out-of-warranty units. I had to pay for the part I ordered and shipping and was told "that's the policy that is on our website."
  • My problem was inside the motor cover a pin had worked its way out of the slide mechanism and jammed. Took awhile but finally got everything back where it belonged. No parts necessary, just time and patience.
  • Mine stuck after the first year. Climbed on the roof and lifted the cover by hand. Cover was stuck to the gasket. Called them and they sent me something to clean and lube the gasket with. Has worked fine the last several years.
  • There is a little switch on the hindge side that may be your problem. Lube the switch and work it by hand then try the power. It acts just like a stuck lid but is caused by the switch. The switch stands upright and looks like a piece of plastic support.
    How it acts:
    You hit the power and the motor starts and the wheel begins to turn but only for 2-3 seconds then stops.
  • Jack_Diane_Freedom wrote:
    This is fairly commom with Fantastic vents. Contact Fantastic and they will send you new gasgets/lube at no charge.

    That may not be true anymore, as they've been bought out and are now a part of a larger company. I've seen reports that parts are available, but no more freebie replacements.
  • Or you can go on the roof and gently lift on the lids as a helper pushes the button inside to open them. When open clean the rubber the lid seals to when closed and lube with silicone spray.

  • This is fairly commom with Fantastic vents. Contact Fantastic and they will send you new gasgets/lube at no charge.