Forum Discussion

Gene_M's avatar
Jul 13, 2015

Feedback on 2004 Gulfstream B+Touring product line

Greetings, still a newbie here, so I am looking for some assistance in determining whether or not to go forward on a potential purchase.

I have interest in a 2004 Gulfstream B Touring Cruiser model 5230. Does anyone have experience with the brand and could discuss the good/bad points of this MH?

I believe it's a Class C, not sure, it looks big enough.(unles there's more too it than size)

  • Is this "C" on Sprinter T1N chassis, likely branded as a Dodge? I'd look into the turbo resonator as the only real common point of failure.
  • Mine was the opposing slides with couch/bed and dinette. Could never get the couch to be a usable bed. Mote like an old army cot than bed. A bond one trying to make it usable after 2 weeks on the road and sold it. Construction quality an issue, as we're slide motors (too weak). Liked the layout and drove well after installing "steer" tires in front.
  • Thanks, I'll check that out.
    Saw the unit yesterday, in pretty good shape, going back today to test water, propane, and a few other things.
    Based on positive outcome will most likely make an offer.
  • Loose screws. I removed the trim pieces around cab/coach. Tightened the screws that hold the 2 together. Not sure BT has same type of assembly.
  • That's great to hear, I appreciate the quick post and advice Ron, thanks.

    Any idea in the overhead squeaks from the cabover?
  • A Gulf Stream BT Cruiser is a nice motorhome. Problems with Gulf Stream motorhomes had to do with dealers not getting paid for warranty service.
    Like most Class C's check for leaks. Especially in the cab over area.
    Our 2004 Gulf Stream has been very good to us. No major repairs and still looks good.