It's sad that so many have made assumptions as to the type of person AikenRacer is! He asked a valid question, he didn't ask to have his character attacked or judged by the people on RV. Net. The fact that he owns an expensive motor home and may be well off financially, doesn't automatically mean he a self-absorbed a&%hole. I have met butt heads in all types of vehicles, RV's, etc.
The fact is Aiken Racer wanted to know if any of us had been the recipients of unfair treatment from Park Staff/ Camp Host/ etc. Some have, some haven't! Why can't you comment on your personal experiences without attacking the OP? The people doing that are the ones that really want attention in my opinion.
Yes, there are park rangers, policemen, security guards, etc. that abuse their authority and even some that may be picking on the OP because of "type RV" he drives....maybe they are jealous... it does happen you know. Our local police department has lost several officers recently because they thought they were above the law, broke the rules, and many should be doing some time in jail because of their actions, just food for thought. It's also possible that the OP's actions are causing some of the unwanted attention.
Why can't we all play nice on here? All of us have something in common; we love to camp and travel, let’s try and treat each other with a little respect.