RobertRyan wrote:
carringb wrote:
What's their first winner?
In the NA,the Promaster, more and more are using it as a Motor home base
The North American front wheel drive, single rear wheel Promaster is very concerning to me in the B+/C market for it's weight/load limitation. People who bought them quickly learn they cannot bring along their normal amount of stuff and are limited to two people and no water because the chassis would otherwise be severely over-loaded. It is unfortunate the USA market Promaster is not offered in a free-wheeling dual rear wheel version which would resolve the matter.
I could never endorse any B+/C on the SRW Promaster cut-away chassis. I went through this issue with our little 1983 Toyota C&C chassis so long ago, and this is a carbon copy of that disaster. We got real lucky in that Toyota later gave us a free DRW axle to install at our own expense. The rig was fine thereafter.
The Promaster van does seem very nice for the straight "B" motor home market.