Forum Discussion

PALEFACE's avatar
Mar 21, 2015


My 99 Coachmen class C has fiberglass delamination in front of the window about 12" to 18" on each side of the overhead. It appears I will have to remove the screws on the edge seal, move the seal out of the way, peel back the fiberglass and apply some kind of adhesive between the fiberglass and the wood. The areas are clean and dry underneath so that is no problem.

Local dealer estimated six hours at $151/hour which is about double what I would pay to have it done for me (also double the time I estimate).

Does anyone have any experience with this?
  • Peel back the fiberglass???? Have you ever worked with fiberglass??? Fiberglass is rigid, as a general rule it does not bend easy, or at all. It will break before it bends. You may be able to pull it off the wood a 1/8" or so. But unless you break it. You will not move it far enough to get resin behind it with out the proper tools, and even if you could, how are you going to hold it together while the resin dries.? It will prolly have to be cut off past where it has turned loose, reglassed, and gel coated. Then sanded smooth, and buffed out. Will take a while to do it right.

    Another option is to replace the entire panel.

    Were I you. I would let the pros do it. It is a pretty major undertaking.
  • Unless you have a good working knowledge of repairing fiberglass, I would caution you away from attempting it. Your comment about "peeling back" the fiberglass tells me you might be headed for trouble.

    The rate (hours) you have been quoted frankly is a pretty good deal. Further, you will probably get a warranty on the work.

    I have no idea on your abilities, but honestly, I admire your energy, but the smart money says have it done....Unless you are confident in your fiberglass abilities.