First: A full suspension inspection (Should have been done by alignment shop, Some skip a few things though)
now: Improvements
motor homes have three major handling faults
Sway (Like fans at a rock concert or "We Are The World" event, or the arm on a metronome if you are a musician. SWAY bars.. The ones on my rig are good but often you can stand an upgrade.
WAG.. With solid axle front suspension (And rear as well) and leaf springs the body can "Shift" a bit over the axle, now if both front and rear shift the same way you likely won't notice but that almost never happens.. usually the front goes one way, the rear the other so YOU think you are going down the road slantwise (only the body, not the wheels) and correct, this causes it to "Swap" so you you correct again and follow a /\/\/\/\/ path (Exagarated big time)
TRACK Bars Also called Pan Hard bars.. These LOCK the body centered over the axle and if you put on two (front and rear) they stop this 100%.. Most advisers say the rear is the most important,,, I did the front,, HAPPY.
Steering Stablizers like the Safe-t-steer or True-Center
These devices try to keep you pointed straight ahead.