We did the same last year after a couple of years of research and driving everything in our state to figure out which chassis we wanted. We had to drive 1K miles to TX while covid was raging through the lone star state first summer of pandemic, it was strange as every town appeared deserted.
Could not find anyone willing to inspect rig due to covid ravaging the country late July 2020, owners were wonderful and allowed us to stay 3 nights on their ranch where we tested both house and chassis functionality. I found alternator faulty and they had a mobile mechanic replace it.
Owners were just getting too old (he was 85, DW was 81) to use it, their kids in their 50s and 60s were fearful for them and finally convinced their Dad to sell it. We searched high and low throughout the country, everything we saw was snapped up immediately, great people they had no issue waiting for us.
We got the powertrain we desired and only 19K miles, needed some new rubber as well due to age, but it got us home no issues during a record setting TX heatwave. Took our time heading back home and enjoyed a couple of TX state parks as our state had closed our state parks indefinitely.
Glad to hear you are back in the game, hope you have many wonderful adventures in your new coach. We have had TTs, 5ers, and toyhaulers over 3 decades of RVing, frankly my DW was losing interest. She is reinvigorated and we are having the time of our lives, just us, kids grown, doing it our way.