Forum Discussion

B_B_Upch's avatar
Aug 18, 2020

First time out problems

Hello guys. So I got this 96 allegro bay given to us 4 years ago. Roof was shot & lots of internal water damage. We Fixed a lot of things and we tried taking it out for the first time.. let's just say it was a terrible experience.. when we got to site it was at a slight decline & the emergency break would not hold nor the parking break. So I had my daughter chauk it while I held the breaks.
Next the jacks would not work. Couldnt get them to come down at all. (They worked last month when I raised them up.)
Then the AC would not work. I had just posted this problem 2 weeks ago & thought we had it fixed.. it was running good for 4 days straight, Right up until we unplugged everthing to drive it over. (It would click on for a few seconds & then click back off... if u moved the cable around at the thermostat then it would come back on but go off after a minute or so... we came home that night since we are only 20 min away. Went back the next day & it was still doing the same thing???
It had a couple of water leaks but nothing major.
The refridgerator didnt work but that was expected. (We knew it had issues).
Then driving it back home it lost power.. it was running but u could hold the gas pedal to the floor & it would not move the motorhome. Then I would stop. Turn it off then start it back up & it would rev up ok. I would put it into gear & get up to about 30 to 50 mph and go 2 miles or so & it would do the same thing. So I coasted into an abandon gas station & left it lol..
Needless to say my wife does not want to ever go back. Her idea of camping is room service. That's the reason we took ok this project.
Any ideas other than lighting a match? Lol
Thanks this forum has helped tons over the last 4 years. Hoping for some advice now
  • 1. Your emergency brake and parking brake would not hold. You have two? I've never seen a vehicle with two. Please provide more info.
    2. Jacks don't work. Sounds like a burnt fuse. Check your fuse panel.
    3. AC ~ that sounds like a failed wire. Most RV thermostats use telephone wires for control. These wires are very small and over the years can and do fail. Moving the wires around makes it work so you've got a break in one of the wires. Pretty easy fix, once you determine where the break is.
    4. As for the engine going into limp mode, you'll have to provide more info as to engine mfg, size, etc. as well as the transmission info.....Dennis
  • I have a mechanic looking at the motor problem.
    We had it plugged into a 50 amp I want to figure out about the Jack's & the ac? Can I get a replacement thermostat and /or wiring cable? How difficult is it to switch to a 5 button? Mine is a duo-therm comfort control 4 button thermostat. It has 4 zones.
    Also can I use a battery operated thermostat on that system?