Forum Discussion

bplotnick1234's avatar
Jan 01, 2014

Fitch catalyst

Has anyone ever installed the Fitch catalyst fuel converter? I read an article in 4 wheel drive and sport utility magazine where they tested it and it showed a gain of 1.37 mpg on a 2003 Dodge 5.9 diesel truck. I have the Ford 5.7 in my Class A motorhome and i am always looking for something to increase gas mileage. If anyone has ever tried one of these, what was the result?
  • tinmac,
    The CAFE standards were introduced and signed in to law in 1975. As of 2009 there were 254 million vehicles on the American roads as the number of vehicles has risen at an average of 3.7 million/year since 1960. CAFE standards had remained stagnant since 1990 and were due for an increase in the mileage requirement. The 8.9% increase is justified based on the increases prior to 1990. Energy independence starts with the efficiency of all fuel burning devices.
  • bplotnick1234 wrote:
    Thanks for all of the input. I think I will search elsewhere for gas mileage assistance. maybe a Banks system.

    What year and chassis is your motorhome, the banks can help with power but not always better mpg.
  • 427435 wrote:
    Just keep in mind that the car makers are under lots of pressure to improve their mpg ratings. If it worked, they would be using it.

    Only in the last few years have they been under pressure for better mpg ratings..
  • Thanks for all of the input. I think I will search elsewhere for gas mileage assistance. maybe a Banks system.
  • Just keep in mind that the car makers are under lots of pressure to improve their mpg ratings. If it worked, they would be using it.
  • The EPA has offered a low cost testing program to fuel saving device manufacturers for several years now. So far, the few devices that have been submitted for testing have shown no mileage improvements. The first one that actually works will likely make someone an overnight multimillionaire, when the auto manufacturers line up at the door waving money. Consider that auto manufacturers spend millions trying to achieve mileage improvements measured in tenths of a mile per gallon in order to avoid massive CAFE limit fines. If someone really had a viable mileage improvement invention, they would not be schlepping it in single unit sales, they'd be having it EPA tested and reaping huge rewards.

    Nearly all of these so called mileage improvement products recommend having a complete tune-up done on your vehicle before installing it. Add that to the natural tendency to modify our driving habits a bit when looking for mileage improvements from a purchased product, and some improvement is pretty much a given. The most effective mileage improvement device is still your right foot.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Why is anyone using liquid preservative sin their gasoline or diesel?

    I just calculated how long it will be before I re-fill the tank on my motor home.. And added 2 cans of SeaFoam to the tank to prevent fuel breakdown since the idiots in Washington DC insist they put booze in the gas and boozed gas breaks up faster than pure stuff.

    Does this answer your question, You should be adding Seafoam or ETOH rathed Sta-BIl (I have used Sta-Bil in the past but these days I'm reading bad things about it) if you are not going to be filling for months on end. With EtOh adultrated fuels, I'd say 3 months pure six.
  • I love what one reviewer on Amazon said. "Saves by not using all those liquid preservatives. The cost over time will save money in preventing repairs!" Just why is anyone using liquid preservatives in their gasoline or diesel??? What kind of logic is that???