We have extensively researched this type of vehicle. Our floorplan preference is the Unity 24tb - and, they are very well built. The worries on the MB are 1) service in more remote parts of the country and 2) cargo carry capacity.
At the Hershey RV show, we recorded CCC capacities, and matched that against what we'd take for a long trip. I think we're in trouble with MB cargo capacities.
For example, if the unit boasts 1100-1200 lbs cargo capacity (an average for what we saw), subtract the weights of a few 'after market' installed items (awning,ac etc)(estimate 200 lbs- that seemed to be the consensus), the people (in our case 300 lbs), some combination of water, grey, black etc - especially if heading out for boondocking (pretend full water tank - 300 pounds). This leaves 3-400 pounds for kitchen gear, food, beer, linens, good toolbox, hoses and outdoor supplies, personal bathroom items, clothing, camp chairs, photography and computer. We might go wild and take golf clubs. Forget solar.
So, it's looking like the MB platform is a little light for fully equipped long trips, might be good for weekends, or week long trips plugged into utilities. I think CCC in the 2000 lb range makes much more sense.
Am I missing something?