I had a tire problem, that could answer your hypothetical.
I had 4 rear tires 10 years old and 2 steer tires 2 years old.
Running on I-75 about 70 mph felt and heard large bang. I was in tight traffic so took about 1/2 mile to get to a wide road shoulder.
I was sure I would find a dent in the side of the MH or jeep towed missing a windshield. Did a double walk around kicked all 10 tires.
nothing seemed damaged. I got back on the highway slowly adding speed
and checking handling, all good ran 3 more hours at 75 mph till dark.
I stopped overnight at Walmart. In the am, I check tire pressure, found inside driver rear at zero. I saw tire store 100 yards away and went there for air. Tire guy says that's weird tire wont hold air but cant hear any air leaking. Pulled tire off and found side wall hole bigger than a baseball.
Bought new tires right there, I still cant believe I could not tell one rear was with out air.
My thought was if you check tires, use a gage rather then your foot. You can slowly drive a short way to a safe location.
Be safe TJ